Monday, February 14, 2011

Spring Fever

It is Valentines Day and it is 60 degrees in Pa with snow still on the ground. Today I woke up with Spring fever ready to hit the house and go through everything. My tips to a non cluttered home.

1) Every 3 months reserve one Sat. morning for each family member to go through their things. Set a timer for 30 mins. to make it fun. Donate & Toss boxes. Donate the items that day.

2) Avoid zigzag cleaning. Get a laundry basket go in a circle around each room picking up items that need to be in another room. The basket helps you from going back and forth. Then all you have to do is dust, sweep the room after it has been decluttered.

3) Figure out the clutter problem areas. (table by front door, kitchen counter, chair in bedroom) Find solutions to organize each space. Put large basket by door for shoes/put them away before bed each night. Mail on tables- go through Toss & Keep. Give each person in family bin for mail. Toss at end of week. Toys-put small shelf with buckets labeled (cars, balls, misc,)

4) Create a repair center for toys, clothes, misc. This is great for when you have free time you can sew a button, put new batteries in, ex. *also saves on budget! I tend to spend less on clothes when my pants have been hemmed, buttons fixed, ex.

5) Do CPR on closets. Categorize, Purge, & Rearrange. *this also saves on budget. Make a list of clothing items you need. White dress shirt, wide belt, brown sandals... When you go shopping or out you know what you need to complete your wardrobe and tend not to over spend with a list. Also mix and match outfits in closet to create a new look with what you already have.

6) Seem overwhelmed by junk? Step 6...plan to declutter a room a week. Drawers, shelves, clothes, decorations, ex. This will help you not be overwhelmed each day. I put it on my calendar each week what room to focus on. At night I put a basket at the foot of stairs for us 3 to toss in anything that goes upstairs. This helps me reset the house each night.

Happy cleaning!!!
Here is a new blog that I love. All about organizing!

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