Friday, December 31, 2010

Lets get crazy!

One of my goals for this year is to live life to the fullest! I want to be crazy! Do things I have never done, push myself to the limits, and make memories with my favorite guys: Kevin & Austin. Why should life be routine? Lets get crazy!
Ok readers so what is one of your goals for 2011?

New Year

It is a new year! (almost) I am beyond excited to see what God is going to do in 2011. With all of the changes this past year brought it could only get better and better. As I sit in bed (sick with the flu) I can't stop thinking about this past year all the ups and downs. I never would have guessed that God would move us from the people we love in Mexico and move us all the way back to my home town, Chambersburg, Pa. I wondered if God would give me the same love and passion to reach people in our new ministry. We have been in Pa for almost 5 months and I am amazed how God has brought amazing new friends into our lives. The things we have seen Him do through us these past few months have been awesome! Seeing people fall more in love with God is what it is all about! I love our new journey and the people in it!
Bring on 2011 and lets make a difference for Him!

Monday, December 20, 2010

I am still here

Holidays are here! Are you ready? 4 1/2 days to go. Is your house all decorated? So yesterday Kevin, Austin, and I were returning from a weekend away and I noticed a truck with a Christmas tree tied on the roof. Do they not realize by the time they get that tree up it will be time to take it all down? In my house I can't wait to get all the rubber maid containers that say Cmas on them out! Usually by Nov. I am anxiously waiting for Kevin to give me a sign that says "ok I'm ready" This year it was the week before Thanksgiving. My excuse this year...."Kevin your parents are coming and they are bringing gifts for Christmas so we need to have something up" It worked!!! Within 2 hours the house was transformed. Since we are still renting I did a design on a small budget. My favorite details are the awesome "stockings" I got for .25 and also pulling out our ornaments that we buy for each year representing something that had happened that year. This year I need to find a budget truck ornament for moving back to the US.
Merry Christmas to you all!

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