Thursday, August 19, 2010

Busy decorator

We finally made it to Chambersburg, Pa. As we drove in on Sunday night we felt like we were in the Extreme Home Makeover, overwhelmed by all the church people ready to help us unload the truck. We have rented a small 2 bedroom cute house for 7 months. It has charm. I love the hardwood floors! I have decided since we have made such a big change in our lives that my house needed to have a new look. So gone with reds and in with retro! It is a working process. Haven't done much of the fun things yet of decorating. Hanging curtains so the neighbors don't get a show in the morning and organizing things.
I am so ready for this next step in our lives. We have a whole new outlook on things and really ready to jump right in serving. I am praying for direction for my own time since Kevin will be working from the church. Found a great design school in NY with online classes, in hopes of starting business from home of staging houses or design on budget interior design. Throwing the idea of starting a moms group at our house for non church people. Staging homes for extra money to put in our buy a house fund. There are so many things to be involved in, I am praying God uses me and that I remember to keep my family #1 through it all.
Soon to of the new little nest.


  1. So excited for all of you! Sounds like you have some great things planned! Can't wait to see some pics. :)


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