Monday, August 30, 2010

The room I use to call the "ugly" room

I am not a big fan of wood paneling. I would rather paint over it. But here is what I did to the little space. It is our playroom, reading room, and my office space. Instead of a desk which was not in my budget, I used a shelf I already had and mounted it on the wall. This room I thought turned out great!


  1. I love reading your blog!

    Are there certain stores you can recommend for inexpensive items to decorate with?

    Hope you are doing great in PA!

  2. Leah, I love checking out goodwills but Target is good, Burlington Coat Factory, Ross, ebay. I usually buy pillows at Target or painting from Ebay (which is cheap with new artists) and then go to goodwills to find little things to add or redo.


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