Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is "Your Little Nest" blog about

What is "Your Little Nest" blog about

Have you ever looked at your house and realized it has looked the same since your kids were little? You still have plastic flowers with an inch of dust? You feel like your house doesn't reflect you? Look you have a collection that has over taken your house?
My mom was always into something; porcelain dolls, ducks, Boyd Bears, and now the beach. When people found out what she was into believe me the house became a show case of it all. I can remember bears everywhere. So many that no one could see the cutest pieces of her collection or the ones that meant the most to her. The house from floor to ceiling became overwhelmed by bears. She never got rid of any of them. The problem was as cute as those little bears were, her home quickly became about bears and not her.
So this blog is for all of you that need a little help making your little nest your comfy home. I will be posting topics on what to do when a guest shows up unexpected, quick redesign fixes, fix it yourself projects, before and after photos, family fun ideas, design on less than $100, and more.
Hope you enjoy!


  1. The blog looks great, Crystal. I can't wait to see all your ideas. I wish you'd come take a look at this cabin and give me some ideas. It's so hard to decorate!

  2. Unfortunately, I can only see the weird symbols as your font. I can't read anything in your post???

    I like your background design though!

  3. This is a cool site. Thanks for helping your old mom love her house again and it really did reflect me. Good luck with your followers.


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