Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thrifty Decorating

One of my favorite things to do is go to flea markets, Goodwills, and yard sales. You can always find something "ugly", so my husband says as I bring my awesome purchase through the door. But to his surprise that "ugly" piece can become something beautiful with just a few dollars. Then he is impressed at my skills and savings on his wallet.
A few things I have in my own little tool box that are must haves for woman on a mission to be thrifty decorators are: hand sander, heavy duty stapler, measuring tape, iron on fabric tape, hammer, screw driver (mine is electric, light weight), hooks, double sided foam tape, hot glue gun, black permanent marker, black and brown spray paint and a needle and thread. Always stock up on fabric you like that is on sale too. Now, girl you are ready to fix anything with this tool box!


  1. Do you have some favorite thrifting places in Zacatecas. Hannah's birthday is coming up July 14th and it would be fun to take the girls thrifting for their bedroom. Maybe a birthday shopping trip. We are working on making their room special, since they had to share with the boys for over a year. I would love to find some fun night stands and paint them bright colors.

  2. I heard there are some places downtown. Will ask around. However I have a great builder that will build anything and it is super cheap. Got my bed for $250 photo of bed in states over $4000. Also in Jerez there are some great antique shops, so I heard.


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